Ski resorts close to Lugano, Switzerland

Below you will find the ski resorts that are closest to Lugano as well as the distance. The closest ski resort to Lugano is Madesimo and the distance is 57 km. You can also view driving and route descriptions to each ski resort from Lugano. Note that the distance given is by air and the distance by road is longer.

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Lugano's 30 closest ski resorts and distance

Note! Click on the car icon to view driving directions
Ski resort Distance
by air
Driving directions and time
Madesimo 57 km
driving time about 2 hours 8 mins
Airolo 64 km
driving time about 1 hour 8 mins
Andermatt 75 km
driving time about 1 hour 31 mins
Sedrun Oberalp 76 km
driving time about 1 hour 55 mins
Macugnaga 76 km
driving time about 2 hours 18 mins
Fiesch 77 km
driving time about 2 hours 44 mins
Disentis 78 km
driving time about 1 hour 46 mins
Saas-Fee 80 km
driving time about 3 hours 20 mins
Alagna Valsesia 80 km
driving time about 2 hours 29 mins
Bettmeralp 81 km
Savognin 82 km
driving time about 2 hours 3 mins
Riederalp 82 km
Corvatsch 83 km
driving time about 2 hours 28 mins
Obersaxen Mundaun 83 km
driving time about 2 hours 13 mins
Blatten-Belalp 84 km
St. Moritz 87 km
driving time about 2 hours 38 mins
Grächen 88 km
driving time about 3 hours 28 mins
Presolana Monte Pora 89 km
Gressoney 90 km
driving time about 2 hours 51 mins
Lenzerheide 93 km
driving time about 1 hour 59 mins
Zermatt 93 km
driving time about 3 hours 20 mins
Aprica 94 km
driving time about 2 hours 41 mins
Flims / Laax 96 km
driving time about 2 hours 5 mins
Champoluc 97 km
driving time about 2 hours 53 mins
Grindelwald 98 km
driving time about 3 hours 13 mins
Brusson 98 km
Meiringen-Hasliberg 99 km
driving time about 2 hours 32 mins
Engelberg 100 km
driving time about 2 hours 13 mins
Antagnod 100 km
Lauchernalp 101 km
driving time about 3 hours 39 mins
Please note that distances are straight line and distance traveled by car can be much longer.
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