FAQ about Hinterglemm

Here you find some of the most common questions, and of course answers to them, that people usually have about Hinterglemm regarding the trip there, skiing, things to do, accommodation etc.

How much does a taxi cost between Hinterglemm and Saalbach?

A taxi between the village's usually costs between 15 and 20 euros and the journey is just under ten minutes. There are several taxi companies in the area, the two largest taxi companies are Taxi Rainer (phone number +43 6541 6261) and Taxi 6620 (phone number +43 6541 6620).

Are there any grocery stores in Hinterglemm?

Yes, in Hinterglemm there is the larger grocery store SPAR, located in the middle of the village. In addition, there is a pharmacy next to the grocery store.

Are there many restaurants in Hinterglemm?

Yes, there are quite a few restaurants here. There are about ten that are centrally located in the village, and also a quite a few that are located just outside or a bit up the slopes. In addition, you can always take a taxi (around 10 minutes) to Saalbach where there are many more restaurants.

Does Hinterglemm belong to Zell am See?

Hinterglemm belongs to the district of Zell am See but is not exactly within walking distance of the ski resort Zell am See. However, there are no great distances if you want to visit Zell am See while in Hinterglemm, normally it takes just under 30 minutes to drive between the two ski resorts.

What is the ski pass price in Hinterglemm?

A ski pass in Hinterglemm cost 72.00 EUR per day for adults, for youth 54.00 EUR and for children ski pass price is 36.00 EUR.

Can I rent ski equipment in Hinterglemm?

Hinterglemm has 7 places where you can rent ski equipment on your ski holiday there. To see booking options and a map where you can find the shop that is most suitable for you, click here. The best thing is to book your ski equipment in advance, as it is usually cheaper to book online.

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