Book in Piau Engaly

Piau Engaly, France

Here you will find useful information if planning a ski vacation to airports nearby Piau Engaly, driving directions as well as weather reports, piste facts, ski lifts and a lot more. Piau Engaly is located in Europe and accessible by both air and road. The best time of year to ski in Piau Engaly is during the start December to start April.

In Piau Engaly you will find 9 lifts with a lift capacity of 13150 passengers/hour. There are 33 kilometer of groomed pistes in total, divided into 18 kilometer blue pistes, 11 kilometer red pistes and for the more experienced skiers, 4 kilometer black pistes. The highest point in the ski system is at 2528 meter, which gives a vertical drop of 763 meter. Here you can also find some really long pistes, the longest one is 7 kilometers. There are also other skiing and snowboarding activities here besides the slopes, for the more daring (and perhaps more experienced) skiers there is both a fun park and a halfpipe facility.

Airports close to Piau Engaly

If you want to fly to Piau Engaly the closest airport is Blagnac Airport, Toulouse, with a distance of 136 kilometers from the ski resort.

Closest ski resorts to Piau Engaly

Saint Lary Soulan is the closest ski resort to Piau Engaly with a distance of 14 kilometers. Other ski resorts nearby are Grand Tourmalet - La Mongie/Barèges, 14 kilometers away, and at 16 kilometers away from Piau Engaly you will find Luz Ardiden.

Rent ski equipment in Piau Engaly

Via you can rent equipment online, both skis and snowboards. You can also save up to 50%.

Book your ski equipment online in Piau Engaly here

Hotel & accommodation in Piau Engaly

Unfortunately there is currently no availability for hotels, apartments and chalets/houses in Piau Engaly just nu
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