Saint Lary Soulan, France

Here you will find useful information if planning a ski vacation to airports nearby Saint Lary Soulan, driving directions as well as weather reports, piste facts, ski lifts and a lot more. Saint Lary Soulan is located in Europe and accessible by both air and road. The season in Saint Lary Soulan normally starts in start December to start April.

Saint Lary Soulan has pistes totaling 105 kilometer, of which 60 kilometer are blue easy pistes, 35 kilometer red and slightly more challenging slopes, and 10 kilometer black and more difficult pistes. Here you'll find 24 lifts, with a total capacity of 37637 passengers/hour. The vertical drop is at most 918 meter and the highest served area by the ski lift system is at 2515 meter. The longest piste in Saint Lary Soulan is 4 kilometers. For snowboarders or the more adventurous skiers, there is also access to a fun park, as well as a halfpipe facility.

If you have family members or others in your party who are not interested in down hill skiing, there are cross-country skiing tracks available at a total length of 3 kilometers.

If you want to fly to Saint Lary Soulan

If you want to fly to Saint Lary Soulan the closest airport is Blagnac Airport, Toulouse, with a distance of 124 kilometers from the ski resort.

Other ski resorts nearby Saint Lary Soulan

Not far from Saint Lary Soulan is the ski resort Val Louron, the distance is only 6 kilometers. Close by you also find the ski resorts Peyragudes at a distance of 13 kilometers, and Piau Engaly, 14 kilometers from Saint Lary Soulan.

Rent ski equipment in Saint Lary Soulan

Rent your skis, boots and snowboards online and save up to 50% instead of renting upon arrival in Saint Lary Soulan.

Book your ski equipment online in Saint Lary Soulan here

Ski schools in Saint Lary Soulan

In Saint Lary Soulan you can book 5 different types of ski lessons, ski schools or ski instructors. You will find options for all ages and different types of skill levels. We work with CheckYeti that is a specialist in online booking of ski classes and can in many cases offer free cancellation and at best up to 15% cheaper than the original price.

Book ski school in Saint Lary Soulan here

Hotel & accommodation in Saint Lary Soulan

Here you will find in total 449 hotel, apartments and chalets/houses in Saint Lary Soulan.
337 options
Price/night from: 29 EUR
14 options
Price/night from: 50 EUR
41 options
Price/night from: 44 EUR
42 options
Price/night from: 59 EUR
14 options
Price/night from: 87 EUR
One option
Price/night from: 185 EUR
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