All driving directions to ski resorts from Olomouc

Here you find driving directions from Olomouc to 19 different ski resorts.

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Driving directions from Olomouc to 19 ski resorts

Note! Click on the car icon to view driving directions
Ski resort Distance
by air
Driving directions and time
Ramzova-Petrikov 68 km
driving time about 1 hour 23 mins
Szczyrk 128 km
driving time about 2 hours 10 mins
Pec pod Snezkou 163 km
driving time about 2 hours 56 mins
Jasna 183 km
driving time about 3 hours 39 mins
Harrachov 184 km
driving time about 3 hours 23 mins
Zakopane 198 km
driving time about 4 hours 3 mins
Podbanske 198 km
driving time about 3 hours 46 mins
Bedrichov 200 km
driving time about 3 hours 32 mins
Jested 204 km
driving time about 3 hours 21 mins
Strbske Pleso 210 km
driving time about 3 hours 49 mins
Tatranska Lomnica 224 km
driving time about 4 hours 2 mins
Semmering 241 km
driving time about 3 hours 20 mins
Hinterstoder 310 km
driving time about 4 hours 33 mins
Mariborsko Pohorje (Maribor) 362 km
driving time about 4 hours 46 mins
Kreischberg 363 km
driving time about 5 hours 17 mins
Obertauern 377 km
driving time about 5 hours 40 mins
Nassfeld Hermagor 438 km
driving time about 6 hours 14 mins
Val d'Allos - La Foux 1001 km
driving time about 15 hours 38 mins
Geilo 1343 km
driving time about 20 hours 49 mins
Please note that distances are straight line and distance traveled by car can be much longer.
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