Snow-covered cabin in the mountains

Ski resorts close to Brussels, Belgium

Below you will find the ski resorts that are closest to Brussels as well as the distance. The closest ski resort to Brussels is Skiliftkarussell Winterberg and the distance is 295 km. You can also view driving and route descriptions to each ski resort from Brussels. Note that the distance given is by air and the distance by road is longer.

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Brussels's 30 closest ski resorts and distance

Note! Click on the car icon to view driving directions
Ski resort Distance
by air
Driving directions and time
Skiliftkarussell Winterberg
295 km
driving time about 4 hours 8 mins
359 km
driving time about 4 hours 55 mins
La Bresse-Hohneck
366 km
driving time about 5 hours 6 mins
Le Markstein
379 km
driving time about 5 hours 35 mins
426 km
driving time about 6 hours 25 mins
477 km
driving time about 7 hours 3 mins
Massif du Noirmont-Les Rousses
501 km
driving time about 7 hours 12 mins
Mijoux-Col de la Faucille
513 km
driving time about 7 hours 23 mins
519 km
driving time about 7 hours 42 mins
522 km
driving time about 7 hours 31 mins
Thollon les Mémises
525 km
driving time about 8 hours 18 mins
528 km
driving time about 8 hours 34 mins
Château d'Oex
528 km
driving time about 7 hours 44 mins
532 km
driving time about 8 hours 12 mins
Les Mosses-La Lécherette
535 km
driving time about 8 hours 0 mins
536 km
driving time about 7 hours 21 mins
537 km
driving time about 8 hours 12 mins
537 km
driving time about 8 hours 21 mins
La Chapelle d'Abondance
537 km
driving time about 8 hours 9 mins
537 km
driving time about 7 hours 25 mins
538 km
driving time about 7 hours 25 mins
538 km
driving time about 8 hours 12 mins
539 km
driving time about 7 hours 26 mins
540 km
driving time about 7 hours 3 mins
St Jean d'Aulps
540 km
driving time about 9 hours 3 mins
Les Diablerets
541 km
driving time about 8 hours 12 mins
541 km
driving time about 8 hours 24 mins
542 km
driving time about 7 hours 26 mins
542 km
driving time about 7 hours 51 mins
Alt St. Johann
543 km
Please note that distances are straight line and distance traveled by car can be much longer.