Historical snow depth Serfaus - Fiss - Ladis

Here you will find historical snow depth data for the ski resort Serfaus - Fiss - Ladis. You can see how the snow depth has been on average by month, or see more detailed data by week.

See current snow depth, weather and status

Snow depth history in Serfaus - Fiss - Ladis by month

Here below, we show history of how the snow depth in Serfaus - Fiss - Ladis looked on average for each month during the last seasons.

Open for skiing
Partly open
Data missing
  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
January 175 cm 111 cm 103 cm 94 cm 75 cm 155 cm
February 189 cm 167 cm 136 cm 135 cm 85 cm 148 cm
March 209 cm 170 cm 126 cm 121 cm 95 cm 154 cm
April 200 cm 110 cm 90 cm 103 cm 140 cm
December 90 cm 60 cm 78 cm 54 cm 148 cm
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