Whakapapa (Mount Ruapehu)
Book in Whakapapa (Mount Ruapehu)

Restaurants in Whakapapa (Mount Ruapehu)

Here you find 3 restaurants in and around Whakapapa (Mount Ruapehu). All restaurants here are rated by the restaurant's guests, and are sorted from highest to lowest rating.

In Whakapapa (Mount Ruapehu) you find food from 4 different kitchen: Contemporary, Pub, New Zealand, Asian.

1 Ngauruhoe Place Skotel Alpine Resort, Whakapapa, Tongariro National Park 3951 New Zealand
Price level: $$ - $$$
New Zealand
TripAdvisor Traveller Rating
Top of Bruce Road, Mt Ruapehu Top of the Sky Waka Gondola, Tongariro National Park New Zealand
Price level: $$ - $$$
New Zealand
TripAdvisor Traveller Rating
Top of Bruce Road, Mt Ruapehu, Tongariro National Park New Zealand
Fast food, price level: $
TripAdvisor Traveller Rating
Alp2Alps - transfer to your ski resort