Val Senales (Schnalstaler Gletscher)
Book in Val Senales (Schnalstaler Gletscher)

Val Senales (Schnalstaler Gletscher), Italy

Val Senales (Schnalstaler Gletscher) is located in the region of South Tyrol (Bolzano) in Italy and if you are thinking of booking a ski trip to Val Senales (Schnalstaler Gletscher) you have come to the right place. The season in Val Senales (Schnalstaler Gletscher) normally starts in end November to start April.

Val Senales (Schnalstaler Gletscher) has pistes totaling 42 kilometer, of which 10 kilometer are blue easy pistes, 18 kilometer red and slightly more challenging slopes, and 14 kilometer black and more difficult pistes. Here you'll find 11 lifts, with a total capacity of 14810 passengers/hour. The vertical drop is at most 1201 meter and the highest served area by the ski lift system is at 3212 meter.

If you have family members or others in your party who are not interested in down hill skiing, there are cross-country skiing tracks available at a total length of 10 kilometers. In addition to skiing, there is also the possibility of winter hiking here, and even a toboggan run if you want to try it.

If you want to fly to Val Senales (Schnalstaler Gletscher)

If you want to fly to Val Senales (Schnalstaler Gletscher) the closest airport is Bolzano Airport, with a distance of 53 kilometers from the ski resort. Other alternative airports that are possible to fly to are Kranebitten, Innsbruck (68 kilometers distance), as well as Allgäu Airport/Memmingen (142 kilometers from the ski resort).

Other ski resorts nearby Val Senales (Schnalstaler Gletscher)

Ski resorts near Val Senales (Schnalstaler Gletscher) include Obergurgl (20 kilometers distance), Pitztal Gletscher (21 kilometers distance) and Sölden (26 kilometers distance).

Rent ski equipment in Val Senales (Schnalstaler Gletscher)

Are you interested in renting ski equipment on site in Val Senales (Schnalstaler Gletscher)? Rent your skis, boots or snowboard via and save up to 50% off the regular price.

Book your ski equipment online in Val Senales (Schnalstaler Gletscher) here

Hotel & accommodation in Val Senales (Schnalstaler Gletscher)

Here you will find in total 4 hotel, apartments and chalets/houses in Val Senales (Schnalstaler Gletscher).
One option
Price/night from: 95 EUR
3 options
Price/night from: 207 EUR
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