Book in Tänndalen

Weather and snow conditions in Tänndalen

Here you find the weather, snow depth, temperature, wind powe, wind chill factor and so on in Tänndalen right now and for the coming 5 days.

Snow conditions and status for Tänndalen

Snow depth slopes:
90 cm
Snow depth terrain:
80 cm
Lifts open:
Pistes open:
Ski resort is open
300 km open
Cross-country lit:
3 km open
Avalanche Risk

Parks in Tänndalen

Freeride Paradise Open
Krokskogen äventyrsområde Open
Hamra Funpark Open
Blåbärsparken i Tännporten Open

Snow depth previous seasons

Do you want to know how much snow there was previous seasons in Tänndalen? You can see how the snow depth was per month in recent years, as well as detailed information per week.

Weather report for Tänndalen

5 days weather forecast for Tänndalen, including temperature and expected wind strength.
Date Temperature °C Wind-force m/s Wind Direction
Thu 25 Apr 4 SO
Fri 26 Apr 2 S
Sat 27 Apr 2 NV
Sun 28 Apr 4 S
Mon 29 Apr 4 SO
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