
Sweden is a very nice country to go skiing in. Lots of places to choose from, very snow reliable, friendly people and it is quite cheap.

The season ranges from November to April/June - depending on where you go.

Sweden is one of the few places in the world where you can go skiing in the middle of the night. Riksgränsen, up by the polar circle, has the northern light which keeps you up all night - a must do experience!

State/territory in Sweden

Dalarna  (17 ski resorts)
Dalsland  (1 ski resorts)
Gästrikland  (1 ski resorts)
Halland  (1 ski resorts)
Hälsingland  (3 ski resorts)
Härjedalen  (7 ski resorts)
Jämtland  (10 ski resorts)
Lappland  (9 ski resorts)
Norrbotten  (2 ski resorts)
Närke  (1 ski resorts)
Småland  (2 ski resorts)
Stockholm  (3 ski resorts)
Värmland  (4 ski resorts)
Västergötland  (3 ski resorts)
Östergötland  (2 ski resorts)