All driving directions to ski resorts from Lund

Here you find driving directions from Lund to 18 different ski resorts.

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Driving directions from Lund to 18 ski resorts

Note! Click on the car icon to view driving directions
Ski resort Distance
by air
Driving directions and time
Vallåsen 76 km
driving time about 1 hour 23 mins
Isaberg 194 km
driving time about 2 hours 47 mins
Dackestupet 230 km
driving time about 3 hours 10 mins
Ulricehamn Ski Center 236 km
driving time about 3 hours 35 mins
Mullsjö Alpin 243 km
driving time about 3 hours 17 mins
Tolvmannabacken 292 km
driving time about 4 hours 13 mins
Åmål Skicenter 374 km
driving time about 4 hours 58 mins
Yxbacke (Norrköping) 374 km
driving time about 4 hours 36 mins
Ånnaboda (Storstenshöjden) 417 km
driving time about 5 hours 32 mins
Gautefall 459 km
driving time about 8 hours 31 mins
Vrådal 491 km
driving time about 8 hours 55 mins
Säfsen 499 km
driving time about 7 hours 1 min
Hovfjället 511 km
driving time about 7 hours 1 min
Sirdal 522 km
driving time about 11 hours 22 mins
Bedrichov 562 km
driving time about 10 hours 30 mins
Åre Björnen 854 km
driving time about 13 hours 22 mins
Åre 856 km
driving time about 12 hours 43 mins
Waidring 904 km
driving time about 13 hours 23 mins
Please note that distances are straight line and distance traveled by car can be much longer.
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