Zaarour, Lebanon

All in Zaarour
Interested in ski holidays to Zaarour? Here you will e.g. find information on ski slopes, weather conditions and maps. In case you feel like going to Zaarour from Europe you need to go by air as Zaarour is on another continent. The best time of year to ski in Zaarour is during the middle of December to beginning of April.

In Zaarour there are in total 7 ski lifts that serve 7 pistes. The highest point in the ski system is at 2000 meter, which gives a vertical drop of 355 meter.

Closest ski resorts to Zaarour

Just nearby, with a distance of 9 kilometers from Zaarour, you will find Mzaar (Faraya). Close by you also find the ski resorts Laqlouq at a distance of 24 kilometers, and Cedars, 44 kilometers from Zaarour.


There are 7 restaurants in Zaarour with 6 different types of kitchens, the most popular being Mediterranean, Lebanese and International.