Mzaar (Faraya), Lebanon

All in Mzaar (Faraya)
Feel like trying out skiing in Mzaar (Faraya)? Even if the route to Mzaar (Faraya) seems long, it might very well be worth it. Below you will find useful information such as weather information, piste facts and what other ski resorts that are located close to Mzaar (Faraya). The season in Mzaar (Faraya) normally starts in middle of December to beginning of April.

In Mzaar (Faraya) there are in total 18 ski lifts that serve 80 kilometer pistes. The vertical drop is at most 733 meter and the highest served area by the ski lift system is at 2463 meter. The longest piste in Mzaar (Faraya) is 2 kilometers.

If you have family members or others in your party who are not interested in down hill skiing, there are cross-country skiing tracks available at a total length of 20 kilometers.

Closest ski resorts to Mzaar (Faraya)

Not far from Mzaar (Faraya) is the ski resort Zaarour, the distance is only 9 kilometers. Other nearby ski resorts are Laqlouq (15 kilometers) and Cedars (36 kilometers).


There are 19 restaurants in Mzaar (Faraya) with 12 different types of kitchens, the most popular being Lebanese, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern.