Iso-Syöte, Finland

All in Iso-Syöte
Feel like trying out the skiing in Iso-Syöte? Here you will find weather reports, piste facts and ski resorts close to Iso-Syöte as well as maps and driving directions to Iso-Syöte. The skiing season in Iso-Syöte usually starts in December to April.

In Iso-Syöte there are in total 10 ski lifts that serve 16 pistes. The longest piste in Iso-Syöte is 1.4 kilometers.

In case some of you feel like doing some Nordic skiing, Iso-Syöte holds 120 kilometers of prepared tracks for doing that.

Other ski resorts nearby Iso-Syöte

Other ski resorts near Iso-Syöte are, for example, Ruka which is 91 kilometers away, Salla which is 136 kilometers away and Pyhä-Luosto which is at 173 kilometers distance from Iso-Syöte.


There are 7 restaurants in Iso-Syöte with 15 different types of kitchens, the most popular being European, Scandinavian and Cafe.

Hotel & accommodations

Here you will find in total 5 hotel, apartments and chalets/houses in Iso-Syöte.
One option
Price/night from:
56 EUR
2 options
Price/night from:
226 EUR
One option
Price/night from:
123 EUR
One option
Price/night from:
100 EUR

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