FAQ about Flachau

Here you find some of the most common questions, and of course answers to them, that people usually have about Flachau regarding the trip there, skiing, things to do, accommodation etc.

Which are the best hotels in Flachau?

If you by best mean five-star hotels there are none in Flachau. Looking at four-star hotels that are highly rated by guests and are centrally located you should have a look at for example Hotel Tirolerhof and Uncle Jacks.

Where to I fly to if I want to go skiing in Flachau?

The closest major international airport to Flachau is Salzburg Airport (IATA code: SZG), located 72 kilometres by car from Flachau, with a driving time of just below an hour. There are usually plenty of flights from international airports around Europe to here, especially in the winter months when the skiing season is.

Does Flachau have a train station?

No, Flachau does not have its own train station, but the closest train station that is in Radstadt is only 12 kilometres away from Flachau. The bus ride from Radstadt to Flachau is about 30 minutes and there are normally buses going every hour.

If you want to go by public transport and train from Salzburg Airport, where you would most likely fly to if coming in by air, the total travel time from the airport to the ski resort is a bit more than 3 hours. From Vienna it would take you about 5 hours by train and bus.

Can I go from Munich to Flachau?

Yes, actually Munich is not that far from Flachau. If you go by car it takes about 2,5 to 3 hours. You can also take the train between Munich and Salzburg and then transfer from there by shuttle bus, taxi, rental car, or continue with train to Radstadt close to Flachau.

What's the local cuisine like in Flachau, and are there any must-try dishes?

Flachau offers delicious Austrian cuisine, with specialties like Wiener Schnitzel, Kaiserschmarrn (sweet shredded pancakes), and hearty Alpine stews. Don't forget to enjoy some glühwein (mulled wine) too.

If I want to rent skis in Flachau, where can I do that?

It is no problem to rent your equipment in Flachau, these are the stores Hervis Altenmarkt, Sport im Ort - Achter Jet and Sport im Ort - Space Jet that have ski rentals. See the stores on a map and find the store closest to your accommodation by clicking here. If you plan to rent your ski equipment, it is best to book online in advance as you usually get a discount when pre-booking.

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