Book in Bozi Dar-Neklid

Weather and snow conditions in Bozi Dar-Neklid

Below you find the current snow conditions, snow depth and open status in Bozi Dar-Neklid.

Snow conditions and status for Bozi Dar-Neklid

Snow depth:
0 cm
Snow depth valley:
0 cm
Snow quality:
Latest snowfall:
26 April
Lifts open:
Pistes open:
Season end:
7 December
Season start:
6 April
Ski resort is closed
Half pipe:
Night skiing:

Snow depth previous seasons

Do you want to know how much snow there was previous seasons in Bozi Dar-Neklid? You can see how the snow depth was per month in recent years, as well as detailed information per week.

Weather report for Bozi Dar-Neklid

5 day forecast for weather in Bozi Dar-Neklid. We display the weather forecase on three different altitudes: ski resort, mid-mountain and top of mountain.
Local time in Bozi Dar-Neklid is 11:08
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