Bled, Slovenia

The ski resort Bled is located in Slovenia, and if you are interested in going here, you will find the information you are looking for here.

Airports close to Bled

The fastest way to get to Bled is normally by plane, unless you don't live nearby. The airport Brnik, Ljubljana is only 30 kilometers from Bled, which is an advantage as there are more transfer options and the travel time is shorter. Other alternative airports that are possible to fly to are Kärnten, Klagenfurt (35 kilometers distance), as well as Thalerhof, Graz (123 kilometers from the ski resort).

Closest ski resorts to Bled

Other ski resorts near Bled are, for example, Bohinj which is 17 kilometers away, Cerkno which is 22 kilometers away and Vogel which is at 24 kilometers distance from Bled.

Hotel & accommodation in Bled

Here you will find in total 247 hotel, apartments and chalets/houses in Bled.
137 options
Price/night from: 29 EUR
2 options
Price/night from: Unknown
3 options
Price/night from: Unknown
64 options
Price/night from: 48 EUR
40 options
Price/night from: 36 EUR
One option
Price/night from: Unknown
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