Ovronnaz, Switzerland

Here you will find useful information if planning a ski vacation to airports nearby Ovronnaz, driving directions as well as weather reports, piste facts, ski lifts and a lot more. Ovronnaz is located in Europe and accessible by both air and road.

In Ovronnaz there are in total 8 ski lifts that serve 16 pistes. The highest point in the ski system is at 2427 meter, which gives a vertical drop of 1027 meter.

If you want to fly to Ovronnaz

If you want to fly to Ovronnaz the closest airport is Geneva International Airport, with a distance of 81 kilometers from the ski resort. It is also possible to fly to the airports Belp, Bern, which is 83 kilometers away, and Torino International Airport, Turin, which has a distance of 118 kilometers from Ovronnaz.

Other ski resorts nearby Ovronnaz

Just nearby, with a distance of 8 kilometers from Ovronnaz, you will find La Tzoumaz. Close by you also find the ski resorts Nendaz at a distance of 10 kilometers, and Verbier, 13 kilometers from Ovronnaz.

Rent ski equipment in Ovronnaz

Are you interested in renting ski equipment on site in Ovronnaz? Rent your skis, boots or snowboard via Skiset and save up to 50% off the regular price.

Book your ski equipment online in Ovronnaz here

Ski schools in Ovronnaz

With us, you will currently find 6 various ski schools and lessons in Ovronnaz that you can book through us. Through our collaboration with the online ski school specialist CheckYeti you can get free cancellation on many different lessons and also with the opportunity to get up to 15% discount.

Book ski school in Ovronnaz here

Hotel & accommodation in Ovronnaz

Here you will find in total 132 hotel, apartments and chalets/houses in Ovronnaz.
63 options
Price/night from: 71 EUR
6 options
Price/night from: 53 EUR
28 options
Price/night from: 58 EUR
33 options
Price/night from: 85 EUR
2 options
Price/night from: 327 EUR
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