Kongsberg Skisenter, Norway

All in Kongsberg Skisenter
Book in Kongsberg Skisenter
All the information you need to plan your ski holiday to Kongsberg Skisenter, such as weather reports, ski slopes, highest vertical drop etc. Kongsberg Skisenter is located in the Nordics and is accessible by car.

In Kongsberg Skisenter there are in total 7 ski lifts that serve 10 pistes. The highest point in the ski system is at 565 meter, which gives a vertical drop of 330 meter.

Other ski resorts nearby Kongsberg Skisenter

Gaustablikk is the closest ski resort to Kongsberg Skisenter with a distance of 55 kilometers. Other ski resorts nearby are Norefjell, 63 kilometers away, and at 69 kilometers away from Kongsberg Skisenter you will find Skimore OSLO.


There are 36 restaurants in Kongsberg Skisenter with 27 different types of kitchens, the most popular being Norwegian, European and Asian.

Hotel & accommodations

Here you will find in total 21 hotel, apartments and chalets/houses in Kongsberg Skisenter.
18 options
Price/night from:
41 EUR
3 options
Price/night from:
89 EUR