Book in Dobogóko Sícentrum

Dobogóko Sícentrum, Hungary

If you are planning to go on a ski holiday to Dobogóko Sícentrum you will here find both information about the ski system in Dobogóko Sícentrum, as well as everything you need to book for a ski trip here.

Dobogóko Sícentrum has 2 ski lifts and 2 kilometer pistes in total. The highest point in the ski system is at 700 meter, which gives a vertical drop of 178 meter. The longest piste in Dobogóko Sícentrum is 1.2 kilometers.

Other ski resorts nearby Dobogóko Sícentrum

Other ski resorts near Dobogóko Sícentrum are, for example, Visegradi-Hegyseg which is 11 kilometers away, Matra which is 76 kilometers away and Bükk (Bankút) which is at 125 kilometers distance from Dobogóko Sícentrum.

Hotel & accommodation in Dobogóko Sícentrum

Here you will find in total 7 hotel, apartments and chalets/houses in Dobogóko Sícentrum.
6 options
Price/night from: 37 EUR
One option
Price/night from: Unknown
Alp2Alps - transfer to your ski resort