
Driving directions to Lauterbrunnen

If you want to drive to Lauterbrunnen, you can find route descriptions and driving directions from where you live to the village here. Select your hometown, or the city you want to travel from, below and then click on "Show driving directions".

Popular driving instructions to Lauterbrunnen

Below are distance and driving time for a few popular cities to Lauterbrunnen. Click on the city to see complete driving instructions.

From city Driving distance and time
Amsterdam - Lauterbrunnen 894 km, 9 hours 15 mins
Brussels - Lauterbrunnen 732 km, 7 hours 33 mins
Rotterdam - Lauterbrunnen 858 km, 8 hours 47 mins
Eindhoven - Lauterbrunnen 758 km, 8 hours 19 mins
Barcelona - Lauterbrunnen 1,009 km, 9 hours 40 mins
Leeds - Lauterbrunnen 1,386 km, 14 hours 28 mins

Directions airports to Lauterbrunnen

Find your way by car to Lauterbrunnen from the airport. Below you find the total driving distance and the approximate driving time to get to Lauterbrunnen. Click on the city to see complete driving instructions.

From city Driving distance and time
Lugano Airport - Lauterbrunnen 198 km, 2 hours 51 mins
Zürich International Airport - Lauterbrunnen 143 km, 1 hour 58 mins
Belp - Lauterbrunnen 61.4 km, 53 mins
Malpensa - Lauterbrunnen 301 km, 3 hours 42 mins
Geneva International Airport - Lauterbrunnen 225 km, 2 hours 34 mins
Alp2Alps - transfer to your ski resort