A guide to ski etiquette: What you should and shouldn't do on the slopes

A day on the slopes is one of the real highlights of life for many skiers, seeing the sun glistening off the white snow and experiencing the feeling of sliding down the slopes is unbeatable. However, there are some unwritten rules on the slopes that everyone should follow, what we are talking about is ski etiquette. Here we would like go through these unwritten rules, which of course everyone should follow, both for your own and others' sake.

For experienced skiers, most of these are self-evident (although not everyone always chooses to follow them), but it can be especially important for beginners to read this to know what to do and behave on your next ski holiday.
Busy slope

1. Safety first

Skiing and snowboarding are not completely risk-free, so it's important to put safety first when you're on the slopes, both for yourself and for others.

Adapt your speed: Going fast down the slopes is what many people find most enjoyable about skiing, being at the limit of what you can do and constantly pushing yourself to new limits. However, remember that you are not alone on the slopes, when you have a lot of people around, it is important to adjust your speed to avoid collisions with others.

Keep your distance: When you have other skiers and snowboarders around, you are not in full control of what might happen next. Someone around you might make a sudden stop, a turn you didn't see coming or lose their balance and fall. It is therefore important that you keep a certain safety distance from other riders around you. This is consistent with point one as well, the higher your speed, the greater the distance should be.

Duty to yield: When you are going down a slope, it can be tempting to alternate the expected line you are holding, for example because you see a jump you want to make or you want to avoid a hump you see, or an icy area on the slope. All of this is of course within your rights, but be aware that you may be crossing someone's line behind you, so be aware of who is behind you on the slope.
Skiers in queue for the lift

2. Rules for lifts

Riding in lifts is a must for all skiers to get up the mountain, but it is important to show consideration for others to avoid chaos and disruptions.

Queue: As with all queues, the order in which people stand is important. It can be tempting to crowd if you think the people in front of you are slacking off, but in order for everyone to have the most enjoyable experience possible, it's important to respect the order of the queue. Crowding and rushing other skiers can lead to chaos, delaying your journey up rather than saving time.

Getting off the lift: One area that can be stressful for many and can easily create chaos is when everyone is getting off the lift. Beginners in particular can easily lose their balance (although it can happen to anyone), so respect each other's space to avoid unfortunate situations.

Help and respect beginners: If you see someone who is unaccustomed, and perhaps even afraid, when the descent is approaching or starting, offer them help if possible, instead of forcing your way to get off.

3. Behaviour on the slopes

One area that touches on safety from the first section is how to behave on the slopes, but it is not just about safety but also about common sense and etiquette.

Never stop in inappropriate places: If you are going to stop on the slopes, which is a must from time to time to catch your breath, do so where there is plenty of space. Don't stop in a narrow passage or directly behind a bend. Also, never stop in the middle of a slope, pull out to the side to leave room for other riders.

Signal where to turn at junctions: If you are crossing another slope on the way down or going on a transport route and approaching a junction, be clear about where you are going. As with cycling, it can be helpful to point your arm clearly to indicate that you intend to turn.

Respect beginners: Everyone starts skiing and snowboarding as a beginner, and even if you've mastered skiing like a pro today, not everyone else has. Be patient when you see that the skiers in front of you are beginners and give them plenty of room to make mistakes.

4. Respect nature and your surroundings

There are few sports where you get to experience the same beautiful natural areas and environments as skiing, but it also comes with some responsibility.

Pick up after yourself: Many people take chocolate bars and other snacks with them on the slopes during the day, so it's important not to throw packaging and other rubbish on the slopes. Remember that you are in a natural area and any rubbish you throw away or hide in the snow will turn up when it thaws. Littering is both disrespectful and can harm wildlife, use the trash bins that are there (often near the lifts), or bring your trash back home.

Respect barriers: There are many barriers on the slopes, and they are all there for a reason. Most often it is for safety, but it can also be to protect nature and wildlife, so always respect the cordoned off areas for your own sake and that of nature.

5. The right equipment

Having the right equipment when skiing and knowing how to handle it is an important part of ski etiquette, not least for your own sake.

Keep your equipment in good condition: Always make sure that all your equipment such as skis and snowboards, bindings, boots and poles are in good condition before you start your skiing day.

Wear a helmet: Another piece of equipment that is important for your own well-being is the helmet. For children, helmets are a must, but for adults, wearing a helmet is generally not (although some ski resorts require everyone to have one) but is very important to avoid life-threatening head injuries if you fall.

Position your equipment correctly: When you take a break, whether it's on the slopes or to grab a beer or a bite to eat, make sure to position your equipment so that it's not in the way of others. And of course, respect other people's equipment when it's crowded at the ski stands at the restaurants.

6. Help out if you can

If you come across someone who has fallen and appears to be injured, stop and ask if they need help. If it is a more serious injury, try to contact a ski patrol for help (contact details are usually on the piste map) and stay with the person until they arrive. This may seem like a no-brainer, but believe it or not, skiers sometimes just whizz past people lying down injured just to maximise their own ski day.

7. Snowboarders' blind spot

When you're snowboarding, it's a little more difficult to turn your body and head to get an overview of what it looks like on the slopes around you. This is sometimes referred to as the snowboarder's 'blind spot'. It is therefore important for snowboarders to be more aware of what is going on around them whenever they have a clear line of sight. It may also be helpful for other skiers and snowboarders to be aware of the existence of this blind spot and keep it in mind when approaching them - it's simply more likely that they won't know you're coming.

8. Après ski etiquette

Just because it's getting dark and the lifts are closing doesn't mean the day is over. An important part of skiing for many people is the après ski, and here too there is some etiquette to follow.

Be considerate: When you're in a pub or bar after a day's skiing, respect other people's space and moods. An après-ski venue often hosts a lot of people, and it can be very crowded. Although most people are in a good mood after a great day on the slopes, there are those who, for various reasons, have had a bad day and are not in the mood at all to have someone shouting in their ear or being pushed.

Drink in moderation: Of course, this is obvious advice, both for yourself and for others. Remember that there are few things as annoying as drunk people when you're basically sober. The next ski day will also be a lot more fun if you can hit the slopes with energy instead of a heavy head due to a hangover.

With the above said, it goes without saying that you must enjoy the après ski too, so take these advices in moderation without ignoring them. Having as fun as possible at an après ski is of course also a very important thing on a ski holiday :-)