Book in Torgnon

Torgnon, Italy

Here you will find useful information if planning a ski vacation to airports nearby Torgnon, driving directions as well as weather reports, piste facts, ski lifts and a lot more. Torgnon is located in Europe and accessible by both air and road.

Torgnon has 5 ski lifts and 20 kilometer pistes in total. The highest point in the ski system is at 2246 meter, which gives a vertical drop of 731 meter.

If you want to fly to Torgnon

If you want to fly to Torgnon the closest airport is Torino International Airport, Turin, with a distance of 67 kilometers from the ski resort. It is also possible to fly to the airports Malpensa, Milan, which is 92 kilometers away, and Lugano Airport, which has a distance of 106 kilometers from Torgnon.

Other ski resorts nearby Torgnon

Just nearby, with a distance of 9 kilometers from Torgnon, you will find Valtournenche. Close by you also find the ski resorts Antagnod at a distance of 9 kilometers, and Champoluc, 13 kilometers from Torgnon.

Rent ski equipment in Torgnon

Via Skiset you can rent equipment online, both skis and snowboards. You can also save up to 50%.

Book your ski equipment online in Torgnon here

Hotel & accommodation in Torgnon

Here you will find in total 39 hotel, apartments and chalets/houses in Torgnon.
33 options
Price/night from: 52 EUR
One option
Price/night from: Unknown
5 options
Price/night from: 212 EUR
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