Book in Panticosa

Panticosa, Spain

Here you will find useful information if planning a ski vacation to airports nearby Panticosa, driving directions as well as weather reports, piste facts, ski lifts and a lot more. Panticosa is located in Europe and accessible by both air and road.

In Panticosa there are in total 15 ski lifts that serve 34 kilometer pistes. The highest point in the ski system is at 2220 meter, which gives a vertical drop of 1070 meter.

In case some of you feel like doing some Nordic skiing, Panticosa holds 5 kilometers of prepared tracks for doing that.

Airports close to Panticosa

For those of you who want to fly to Panticosa the nearest airport is Blagnac Airport, Toulouse. The distance from this airport to Panticosa is 168 kilometers.

Closest ski resorts to Panticosa

Just nearby, with a distance of 8 kilometers from Panticosa, you will find Formigal. Other nearby ski resorts are Astún (20 kilometers) and Candanchú (21 kilometers).

Rent ski equipment in Panticosa

We offer pre-booking of ski equipment in Panticosa in co-operation with Skiset. When booking online you can save up to 50% compared with booking upon arrival.

Book your ski equipment online in Panticosa here

Hotel & accommodation in Panticosa

Here you will find in total 124 hotel, apartments and chalets/houses in Panticosa.
114 options
Price/night from: 50 EUR
One option
Price/night from: 69 EUR
5 options
Price/night from: 50 EUR
3 options
Price/night from: 100 EUR
One option
Price/night from: 93 EUR
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