Ski resorts close to Winterthur, Switzerland

Below you will find the ski resorts that are closest to Winterthur as well as the distance. The closest ski resort to Winterthur is Amden-Arvenbüel and the distance is 52 km. You can also view driving and route descriptions to each ski resort from Winterthur. Note that the distance given is by air and the distance by road is longer.

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Winterthur's 30 closest ski resorts and distance

Note! Click on the car icon to view driving directions
Ski resort Distance
by air
Driving directions and time
Amden-Arvenbüel 52 km
driving time about 1 hour 14 mins
Alt St. Johann 53 km
driving time about 1 hour 5 mins
Hoch-Ybrig 54 km
driving time about 1 hour 17 mins
Unterwasser 55 km
driving time about 1 hour 7 mins
Wildhaus 57 km
Flumserberg 61 km
driving time about 1 hour 26 mins
Feldberg 66 km
driving time about 1 hour 29 mins
Malbun (Triesenberg) 79 km
driving time about 1 hour 40 mins
Engelberg 80 km
driving time about 1 hour 29 mins
Flims / Laax 85 km
driving time about 1 hour 48 mins
Brandnertal 87 km
Obersaxen Mundaun 88 km
Disentis 89 km
Damüls Mellau 90 km
Sörenberg 92 km
driving time about 1 hour 51 mins
Sedrun Oberalp 94 km
driving time about 2 hours 15 mins
Chur-Brambrüesch 94 km
Meiringen-Hasliberg 94 km
driving time about 1 hour 43 mins
Andermatt 97 km
driving time about 1 hour 42 mins
Diedamskopf 99 km
Lenzerheide 106 km
driving time about 1 hour 55 mins
Arosa 107 km
driving time about 2 hours 19 mins
Montafon 107 km
driving time about 1 hour 45 mins
Airolo 108 km
driving time about 1 hour 51 mins
Lech / Zürs 111 km
driving time about 2 hours 0 mins
Grindelwald 111 km
driving time about 2 hours 20 mins
Klosters 111 km
driving time about 1 hour 53 mins
Warth-Schröcken 112 km
Ofterschwang-Gunzesried 113 km
Davos 114 km
driving time about 2 hours 3 mins
Please note that distances are straight line and distance traveled by car can be much longer.
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